Swans Commentary » swans.com May 21, 2007  



Music Sheet Of Le Déserteur
Part II


by Boris Vian & Harold Berg





(Swans - May 21, 2007) 

Pic: Boris Vian's <em>Le Déserteur</em> Music Sheet Part #1 - Size: 176k - Please do not steal this picture

Boris Vian's Le Déserteur Music Sheet - Part #2
Courtesy of Jim Rothschild
Kindly remember the good words: "Thou shalt not steal."



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Internal Resources

Introduction to this music sheet

French and English Texts of Le Déserteur

A World of Music


External Resources

Fond'action Boris Vian

Oeuvres complètes de Boris Vian - Editions Fayard



Please, feel free to insert a link to this work on your Web site or to disseminate its URL on your favorite lists. However, please DO NOT steal, scavenge, or repost this work on the Web or any electronic media. Inlining, mirroring, and framing are expressly prohibited. Pulp re-publishing can only be authorized by Jim Rothschild or Boris Vian's widow, Ursula Vian Kübler -- please contact the publisher. This material is copywritten. All rights reserved.


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This Edition's Internal Links

The Royal We And The Royal My - Carol Warner Christen

Heck Of A Job, Uncle Sam - Gilles d'Aymery

There Are No Right Wars - Gilles d'Aymery

No Excuse For Inaction - Philip Greenspan

Devices And Things - Martin Murie

Schizoid Comedy & Stephen Colbert - Charles Marowitz

Paradero Ltd. - Short Story by Marie Rennard

Stage Struck In London And Dublin - Theatre Review by Peter Byrne

This House Of Pain - Poem by Gerard Donnelly Smith

Ulysses: Kuenda beyond n.2 - Poem by Guido Monte

Blips #49 - From the Martian desk - Gilles d'Aymery

Letters to the Editor

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Swans -- ISSN: 1554-4915
URL for this work: http://www.swans.com/library/art13/xxx120b2.html
Published May 21, 2007