Archives by Date: 2000





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January February March April
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January 2000

January 1 - 2000 Predictions - by Swans
9 - The Last of the Imperialists - by Jan Baughman
9 - Helplessness in Face of Technology's Inexorable March a Familiar Feeling - by Gary Chapman
16 - What Kind of Nation Neglects Everything BUT Weapons? - by Dale Bumpers
16 - Kosovo: On Ends and Means - by George Kenney
23 - Adam Smith is on Our Side - by Milo Clark
30 - Cappuccino Revolutionaries - by Margaret Wyles

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February 2000

February 6 - It's the Issues, Stupid - by Jan Baughman
13 - Louise Arbour: Unindicted War Criminal - by Christopher Black and Edward S. Herman
13 - The New York Times on Chinese Embassy Bombing: Nothing to Report - by FAIR
20 - The Business of Manipulation, From Baghdad to Belgrade - by Gilles d'Aymery
27 - The Muddy Quagmire of Kosovo - by Gilles d'Aymery
27 - A Different Kind of Killing - Review of Sebastian Junger's essay in The New York Times Magazine of February 27, 2000 - by Gilles d'Aymery
27 - Letters to the editor - Don Meyer & Drew Hamre

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March 2000

March 5 - More News from Kosovo - The New York Times - February 28 - March 5, 2000 (with a few expanding comments) - by Gilles d'Aymery
12 - What's in Store for Kosovo? - Analysis with The Help of The New York Times, March 6-12, 2000 - by Gilles d'Aymery
19 - Cut, Paste and Run - Kosovo's Partition in the Cards - by Gilles d'Aymery
19 - After The Fall - by Antony Black
19 - One Year Ago, Kosovo - by Margaret Wyles
19 - Easter 1916 - A Poem by William Butler Yeats
19 - Iraq: Letter to the Editor - by Drew Hamre
26 - Serbia, Kosovo: Gone MIA? - by Gilles d'Aymery
26 - Barbara Crossette and Iraq: Here She Goes Again - by Gilles d'Aymery
26 - News that did not make The New York Times this week, March 20-26, 2000 - by Swans
26 - She Was Bridge-Killed - A Poem by Pedja Zoric

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April 2000

April 2 - Another Tap-Dance If You Please, Mr. Rubin - by Drew Hamre
2 - From Iraq to Serbia, Burying the News and our Humanness with it - by Gilles d'Aymery
2 - Madeleine Albright: "We Did The Right Thing" - by Gilles d'Aymery
10 - The Troubling and Challenging Economic Divide - by Jan Baughman
10 - Sadness in Novi Sad, Serbia - by Alma Hromic
17 - The Super Rich Are Out of Sight - by Michael Parenti
17 - What I Learned at the World Economic Crisis - by Joseph Stiglitz
24 - Rosa Luxemburg, Woman as Revolutionary - by Margaret Wyles
24 - Smiles Amid the Sadness: A Response - by Alex Jay Berman

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May 2000

Vietnam: A Retrospective - May 1, 2000
     Introduction - by Gilles d'Aymery
     Prism And Touchstone - by Rick Rozoff
     The Road to Wisdom - by Aleksandra Priestfield
     Through the Eyes of a Child - by Jan Baughman
     The Trauma of Coming Home - by Doug Baughman
     Reflections on the War in Vietnam - by Mac Lawrence
     Making Sense out of Senselessness - by Eileen Rinde
     An Uneasy Peace - by Margaret Wyles
     Myths and Reality - by Antony Black
     Stay Under the Radar Screen - by Milo Clark
     Conclusion - by Gilles d'Aymery
15 - Animals at War - by Aleksandra Priestfield
22 - The Media and their Atrocities - by Michael Parenti
22 - Senate Kosovo Vote: Clinton Creeps Across The Rubicon - by Rick Rozoff
29 - Taiwan Crisis: Regaining Historical Memory - by Eric Hagt

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June 2000

June 5 - Rewriting History - by Aleksandra Priestfield
12 - Roma, Invisible and Voiceless - by Margaret Wyles
19 - The Despair of Disparity - by Jan Baughman
26 - Lest We Forget - by Wendell Berry

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July 2000

July 10 - The Best System on Earth (if You Can Afford it) - by Jan Baughman
17 - Sex, Lies and Fascism....Again? - by Margaret Wyles
24 - Prescription for Scandal: Biological Psychiatry's Faustian Pact - by Antony Black
31 - A Signature for Posterity - by Gilles d'Aymery

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August 2000

August 7 - Armies of Compassion: The Missionary, the Businessman and the Military - by Gilles d'Aymery
14 - Population Polemics - by Jan Baughman
21 - Bringing Democracy to Bosnia-Herzegovina - by Gregory Elich
21 - A New World Order - by Rebecca Sumner
21 - A Few Questions - by Pedja Zoric
28 - Don't Get me Going on This Stuff, Please - by Milo Clark
28 - The Art of Grokking - by Milo Clark
28 - Nationalism, the Harbinger of a New Barbarity - by Milo Clark
28 - Remarks on SB390, Hate Crimes Legislation in the Georgia House - by Representative Dan Ponder

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September 2000

September 4 - Peddling Pseudohistory: The Media and Literature - by Aleksandra Priestfield
4 - Response to NATO Expansion on Asian Soil - by Pedja Zoric
4 - Litany for Dictatorships - A Poem by Stephen Vincent Benet
18 - My reading of Letters from the Fire and More... - by Jan Baughman
18 - Subject: Into Myth - by Alma Hromic
18 - On the Anniversary - by Alma Hromic

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October 2000

October 2 - Weapons Watch: An Every-Now-and-Then-Look at Weapons of War - by Mac Lawrence
2 - A CENTURY OF U.S. MILITARY INTERVENTIONS, From Wounded Knee to Yugoslavia - Compiled by Zoltan Grossman
2 - Minor Litany - A Poem by Stephen Vincent Benet
9 - The Thousand and Second Night: The Price of Truth - by Aleksandra Priestfield
9 - Live From New York - by Jan Baughman
9 - Excerpt from Invisible Man - by Ralph Ellison
9 - The Road Not Taken - by Robert Frost
16 - The World That Clinton And Albright Have Left Us - by Rick Rozoff
23 - Book Review - by Aleksandra Priestfield
23 - Webster's and NATO - by Rick Rozoff
23 - The Million Moms March - by Margaret Wyles
23 - Driving Through Mythical America - by Clive James
30 - Why Are They Crucifying Ralph Nader? - by Gilles d'Aymery
30 - Politics Of Fear And Politics Of Hope - by Rick Rozoff
30 - Nader in the Headlines: October 27 and 28, 2000 - Compiled by Rick Rozoff
30 - Fire and Ice - by Robert Frost

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November 2000

November 6 - Ralph Nader: An Opportunity for Change - by Jan Baughman
6 - Now I Know - by Aleksandra Priestfield
6 - From the Sublime to the Ridiculous: Yugoslavia and the United Nations - by Aleksandra Priestfield
6 - The Choice - by John Masefield
13 - Post-Elections Snapshots - by Gilles d'Aymery
13 - Dear Mr. Nader - by Gilles d'Aymery
13 - Untitled - by Swans
20 - Hypocrisy Without Limitation - by Jan Baughman
20 - A More Hollow Than Hallowed Victory - by Milo Clark
20 - Allegations of voting rights violations need investigation - by FAIR
20 - Thoughts on Parting - by Cia Serby
27 - Back to the Future - by Aleksandra Priestfield
27 - Balkans News, Anyone? - by Gilles d'Aymery
27 - Love the Wild Swan - by Robinson Jeffers

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December 2000

December 4 - My Last 522 Words on the Election - by Jan Baughman
4 - Story of a Chainsaw War, From Menlo Park to Luna - by Gilles d'Aymery
4 - Luna's Cut - by Julia Butterfly Hill
11 - Luna and Christmas Tree - by Milo Clark
11 - Timber, Behavior, Change: An Uneasy Trio - by Gilles d'Aymery
18 - Two Bombs And Two Perspectives (Introduction to Michael W. Stowell's Short Essay below) - by Rick Rozoff
18 - Barbarians of Our Own Dark Ages? Debunking the Myth Behind the Nuclear Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki - by Michael W. Stowell
18 - Refugee - by Laurence Overmire
25 - 2000 in Perspective: Lots of thanks to go around - by Gilles d'Aymery
25 - Tonight at Noon - by Adrian Henri
25 - Durham poem - by Adrian Henri

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Created: January 1, 2000
Last Updated: December 24, 2000